A Box Is A Box Is A Box Communication and Production
An exhibition by Frizbee Ceramics, Harold Lechien, Gabriel René Franjou
Espace Triphasé
08.09.22 - 09.10.22
Anderlecht, Brussels, BE
The main players in online sales enjoy a stranglehold on contemporary commerce. Alongside the considerable quantity of products delivered every day, a large part of their catalog remains ignored or abandoned.
Unsold items are sometimes destroyed, and the return rate on sales nears 20%. E-commerce companies call upon others, specialized in inventory clearance, to repackage and resell these articles in more or less random batches.
Through a video installation, “A box is a box ix a box” invites visitors to an unboxing-exhibition of these randomized boxes: an additional link infiltrates the abstract logic of how goods circulate and offers a material and sensitive experience.
© Harold Lechien